Browsing articles from "May, 2014"

Yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain

A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that looked the effect of yoga on pain and functional disability in those with chronic low back pain suggests that yoga is likely an effective adjunct to treatment [1]. While the long-term benefits of yoga in the treatment of chronic low back pain remain uncertain, according to the 2013 study by Holtzman and Beggs, the short-term benefits are clear. Why is this so important?  According to the World Health Organization, low […]


Good luck to all runners and walkers!

From our chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage therapy, and naturopathic team at OC3, we wish all participants in the Ottawa race weekend the best of luck. May the weather be beautiful (but not too hot), may the crowd’s be rowdy, and may you achieve whatever goals you’ve set! Stick to your hydration/fuelling plan, don’t go out harder then planned, and try and remember to have some FUN! GOOD LUCK!       Ottawa Collaborative Care Centre (OC3) […]


Get Up and Move!

Most of us have some idea that a sedentary lifestyle isn’t good for us. Some of us even make physical activity a priority in our lives – usually with bouts of activity that we schedule before or after our work day, or at lunch. Unfortunately, many people spend the rest of the day sitting still. There’s a 2013 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (abstract here) that suggests this strategy is better […]


Warm-Up: Dynamic vs. Static Stretching

As a physiotherapist, I often get the question “should I stretch before or after my run/bike/soccer game/swim/tennis match/etc.?” My answer often begins with “The research shows that…” Using an evidence-based approach, I recommend a dynamic warm-up specific to the person and the activity/sport prior to engaging in physical activity, saving static stretches for post-workout and/or for rehabilitation purposes. A dynamic warm-up prepares the body for movement. In contrast to static stretching (think a standing quad […]


We’re Expanding!

Our integrative injury clinic will be going through some changes during the month of  May.  Chiropractic, ART, and physiotherapy services will remain on the ground floor, but registered massage therapy and naturopathic medicine will be provided from the second floor of the building.  Our downtown clinic is also adding certified private and semiprivate (small group) Pilates classes, likely beginning at the end of this month.     Ottawa Collaborative Care Centre (OC3) is a multidisciplinary, […]


Train Your Breathing Muscles to Improve Athletic Performance

Turns out that my last post about breathing properly not only affects posture and alignment, but also athletic performance. Dr. Mitch Lomax at the University of Porstmouth in the UK has determined that inspiratory muscle training (i.e. working out the muscles that help you to breathe in) improves sports performance [1]. Twelve runners were tested to determine the effects of: 1) inspiratory muscle warm-ups: 2 sets of 30 breaths at 40% max inspiratory mouth pressure […]

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K2P 0S7
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Wednesday: 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday:  10:30am - 6:00pm
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